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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Perhitungan Politik Janganlah Menodai Kebaikan Hati-CRI - China Radio International

Perhitungan politik yang dilakukan sejumlah orang Barat terhadap Tiongkok dengan alasan bermacam-macam tidak hanya dilakukan dalam waktu satu dua hari saja. Belakangan ini, ketika peralatan medis Tiongkok terus diangkut ke luar negeri, mereka kembali mengungkit sebuah tajuk yang menyebut “Tiongkok meningkatkan daya pengaruhnya dengan memanfaatkan bantuan penanggulangan wabah.”

Dalam konferensi pers Kementerian Luar Negeri Tiongkok pada tanggal 30 Maret lalu, juru bicara Hua Chunying bertanya apakah mereka berharap agar Tiongkok hanya menonton dengan berpeluk tangan dan tidak bertindak?

Bangsa Tionghoa adalah bangsa yang tahu bersyukur. Tiongkok tidak pernah lupa pada bantuan dan dukungan dari komunitas internasional ketika menghadapi kesulitan. Ketika itu, tiada media Tiongkok yang menilai tindakan bantuan pemerintah asing dan organisasi terkait dari segi politik.

Kini, wabah Covid-19 sedang merebak di dunia. Tiongkok memberikan dukungan dan bantuan kepada komunitas internasional sesuai kemampuannya. Bantuan tulus Tiongkok ini memperoleh penghormatan dari komunitas internasional.

Akan tetapi, menghadapi interaksi bersahabat antara Tiongkok dan komunitas internasional, sejumlah politikus dan media Barat menstigmatisasi bantuan medis kemanusiaan Tiongkok, dengan sengaja menyalahtafsirkan niat baik bantuan Tiongkok, dan memprovokasi hubungan antara Tiongkok dan negara-negara terkait.

Padahal, tujuan Tiongkok membantu negara lain dalam penanganan wabah sangat sederhana, yakni berupaya menolong lebih banyak nyawa, sama sekali tiada diplomasi masker atau pertimbangan geopolitik seperti yang disebut-sebut. Kendatipun terdapat sejumlah masalah dalam proses kerja sama, adalah kejadian tunggal saja. Kedua pihak dapat mengadakan komunikasi berdasarkan prinsip bisnis dan menyelesaikannya menurut fakta. Jika diterangkan dari segi politik, hanya akan merusak kerja sama internasional penanganan wabah.

Wabah yang terjadi secara mendadak ini secara lebih mendalam membuktikan bahwa umat manusia adalah komunitas senasib sepenanggungan. Dalam menghadapi wabah, tiada negara mana pun yang dapat terlepas dari bencana ini, membantu orang lain sama dengan membantu diri sendiri. Sejumlah orang Barat diharapkan dapat mengesampingkan kesombongan dan prasangka mereka, perhitungan politik hendaknya tidak menodai kebaikan hati dan ketulusan, dan jika tidak, akhirnya yang rugi adalah dirinya sendiri.

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April 01, 2020 at 10:41AM

Perhitungan Politik Janganlah Menodai Kebaikan Hati-CRI - China Radio International
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Keanehan Survei Politik di Tengah Wabah Corona -

Oleh: Fikri Syariati*)

INDONEWS.ID -- Dalam jangka waktu lima bulan pasca dimulainya Pemerintahan Jokowi-Ma’ruf, sejumlah lembaga survei seperti Indo Barometer, Parameter Politik Indonesia, Politika Research and Consulting, Media Survei Nasional, dan Charta Politika, telah mengeluarkan hasil survei mereka terkait Capres 2024. Hal ini tentunya amat mengherankan karena Pilpres 2024 masih akan berlangsung empat tahun mendatang.

Terlebih lagi, bangsa Indonesia sendiri belum pulih total dari dampak Pilpres 2019 yang membelah mayoritas masyarakat Indonesia menjadi kubu cebong dan kampret. Tidak hanya itu, sentimen politik terhadap tokoh politik populer seperti Presiden Jokowi dan Menhan Prabowo juga masih mewarnai wajah politik sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia.

Tentunya berbagai lembaga survei tersebut juga mempunyai tujuan tertentu, dengan upaya mereka merilis hasil survei terkait Capres 2024. Namun tidak sadarkah mereka bahwa masyarakat Indonesia saat ini belum pulih benar dari keterbelahan sosial dan politik pasca Pilpres 2019? Atau apakah berbagai lembaga survei tersebut sengaja ingin mengambil keuntungan ekonomi dari keterbelahan masyarakat Indonesia?

Sungguh miris sebenarnya melihat perilaku berbagai lembaga survei tersebut, terlebih masyarakat Indonesia saat ini sedang menghadapi wabah virus corona. Seharusnya lembaga survei turut mengambil peran membantu Pemerintah dalam memetakan dampak sosial, ekonomi, dan politik dari wabah virus corona, namun ternyata yang dilakukan justru berupaya mengambil keuntungan ekonomi politik sekaligus memperlebar jurang kebangsaan yang tengah berusaha dijembatani oleh berbagai pihak.

Memang sejatinya tidak ada yang salah dari upaya lembaga survei mengeluarkan hasil survei mereka terkait Capres 2024. Namun, hasil survei tersebut harus transparan yaitu wajib menyampaikan maksud dan tujuan mereka melakukan survei tersebut; serta harus akuntabel yaitu menyampaikan apakah survei yang mereka lakukan adalah survei pesanan pihak tertentu atau tidak.

Sebagaimana telah kita ketahui bersama, salah satu fungsi survei juga adalah untuk menggiring opini masyarakat. Hal inilah yang terlihat pada hasil survei sejumlah lembaga survei tersebut, karena terindikasi dilakukan untuk mempromosikan calon tertentu. Pada situasi krisis sosial, ekonomi, dan politik akibat wabah virus corona seperti ini, munculnya hasil survei yang bertujuan menggiring opini publik pada calon tertentu amatlah berbahaya karena secara tidak langsung mendiskreditkan Pemerintah. Terlebih lagi nama teratas dalam sejumlah survei tersebut sejauh ini selalu mengerucut pada satu orang.

Selain itu, konteks politik berbeda akan didapatkan masyarakat, misalnya jika survei tersebut memunculkan nama-nama yang sepenuhnya baru atau tokoh-tokoh muda yang diproyeksikan dapat bertarung pada Pilpres 2024 mendatang. Hal ini akan bermakna bahwa lembaga survei telah mengambil jarak dari pertarungan Pilpres 2019 lalu, dan berusaha menatap demokrasi Indonesia ke depan dengan wajah-wajah baru kaum muda yang akan turut berkontestasi pada Pilpres 2024.

Oleh karena itu, lembaga survei sudah sepatutnya beranjak dari kepentingan-kepentingan politik skala kecil untuk menuju kepentingan politik yang lebih besar. Lembaga survei juga sudah seharusnya bersikap lebih akuntabel dan transparan dalam setiap survei yang dilakukan. Selain itu, dalam konteks masih belum pulihnya persaudaraan bangsa pasca Pilpres 2019, lembaga survei juga seharusnya turut ambil bagian untuk memulihkan luka tersebut bukan malah semakin memperdalamnya.

Ditengah mewabahnya virus corona saat ini, kita tentunya tidak menginginkan masyarakat semakin berpolemik dengan adanya survei-survei yang bertujuan menggiring opini dan mendegradasi Pemerintah. Justru yang diinginkan adalah lembaga survei membantu Pemerintah dengan menghasilkan data-data komprehensif sehingga Pemerintah dapat mengambil kebijakan tepat sasaran dan tepat guna.

*) Penulis adalah Pemerhati Masalah Sosial Politik

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April 01, 2020 at 11:04AM

Keanehan Survei Politik di Tengah Wabah Corona -
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Wabah Corona dan Politik Luar Negeri Indonesia -

AYOBANDUNG.COM -- Tak lama setelah teroris menyerang gedung Kembar World Trade Center di New York, 11 September 2011, Presiden George W. Bush mengumumkan Perang Global melawan Terorisme. Perang ini mencakup, operasi militer terbuka dan tertutup. Menerapkan Undang-Undang Keamanan yang baru, serta berbagai upaya menghalangi pembiayaan bagi aksi terorisme.

Presiden juga menyerukan negara-negara lain agar bergabung melawan terorisme, dengan kalimatnya yang terkenal... "either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists."

Banyak negara yang mengikuti ultimatum Bush. Mereka pun menerapkan UU baru yang tegas dan keras terhadap aksi-aksi terorisme, seraya meningkatkan pengawasan dan intelijen. Para pelaku yang didakwa melakukan aksi teroris umumnya ditembak di tempat, tanpa melewati proses pengadilan.

AYO BACA: Cara Salam Alternatif untuk Cegah Corona Sesuai Anjuran WHO

AYO BACA: Tangkal Covid-19 dengan Mengonsumsi Ubi Ungu

AYO BACA: Cara Buat Masker Anticorona Murah dan Ramah Lingkungan ala Dokter Taiwan

Dalam perkembangannya, pengejaran pemimpin teror dilakukan dengan menyerbu Afghanisthan, Irak, dan seterusnya. Bertahun-tahun setelah kelompok-kelompok teror dihancurkan, tentara AS menetap hingga berubah status menjadi pasukan pendudukan.

Memberantas dengan skala masif para pelaku teror ditambah dengan gerakan Arab Spring membuat landscape Timur Tengah berubah. Sejumlah negara menjadi ‘demokratis’. Para kepala negara yang vokal seperti Moammar Khadafi dan Saddam Hussein dibunuh.

Libya berubah menjadi negara demokratis tetapi kesejahteraan rakyat lebih buruk dibanding pada periode Khadafi. Perang saudara berlanjut. Lebih dari 200 ribu orang mengungsi, nyaris tak ada yang mempersoalkan.

Di tengah perang global melawan terorisme, berlangsung pula penjualan peralatan keamanan. Sebagai misal, pesawat terbang antara lain harus dilengkapi dengan pintu cockpit anti peluru. Harganya US$100.000 sampai US$150.000 per unit.

AYO BACA: 8 Cara Mencegah Virus Corona Covid-19 Saat Keluar Rumah

AYO BACA: Corona Masuk ke Indonesia, Ini Doa Agar Terhindar dari Penyakit Berbahaya

AYO BACA: Cara Membuat Hand Sanitizer Sesuai Standar WHO untuk Cegah Corona

Memanfaatkan Wabah Corona?

Menanggapi wabah Corona yang dimulai di Wuhan, provinsi Hubei, Cina, pada Desember 2019, Presiden Donald Trump menyebut penyebabnya adalah virus Cina, sedangkan Menlu Mike Pompeo... virus Wuhan.

Kedua pernyataan tampaknya bertujuan mempengaruhi  sedikitnya 180 negara yang terpapar wabah virus Corona atau Corona Virus Disease-19 agar melakukan social distancing atau physical distancing dengan Cina. Anehnya, kemudian Trump menyatakan akan membahas pandemi corona dengan Presiden Cina Xi Jinping.

Trump menerapkan kebijakan yang kontroversial. AS mengambil peluang dalam usaha mengalahkan kompetitornya. Tak jauh berbeda dengan pernyataan Presiden George W. Bush dalam kasus terorisme.

Framing opini yang dilancarkan kedua petinggi dijawab dengan lugas oleh  Juru Bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri Cina Geng Shuang dalam konferensi pers di Beijing. Katanya, di tengah merebak wabah virus corona baru, bagi siapa yang menyatakan buatan Cina beracun maka tidak perlu menggunakan masker,  memakai pakaian pelindung atau menggunakan peralatan perlindungan pernapasan yang diimpor dari Cina karena para pemakainya akan terpapar racun.

AYO BACA: Bacaan Qunut Nazilah, Doa Menangkal Malapetaka

AYO BACA:  Ini Bentuk Virus Corona Jika Diperbesar 2.600 Kali?

AYO BACA: 5 Cara Mencegah Virus Corona Covid-19 yang Keliru

China memang harus menyanggah pernyataan Trump dan Pompeo sebab wabah virus corona sudah menginfeksi lebih dari 500 ribu orang di seluruh dunia, dari rakyat jelata sampai pesohor termaksud Pangeran Charles. Bisa dibayangkan apa yang terjadi bila dunia menuding Beijing sebagai penyebab bencana. Timbul pula sikap rasis anti Cina.

Pernyataan Trump dan Pompeo menyulitkan upaya mengatasi wabah. Mengingat dunia memerlukan kerjasama dan sejenak meninggalkan semangat persaingan.

Ke mana Indonesia Berjalan?

Pada era Perang Dingin, Indonesia tidak berpihak kepada Uni Soviet maupun Amerika Serikat. Presiden Soekarno bersahabat dengan Presiden John F. Kennedy juga dengan Perdana Menteri Nikita Khruschev.

Soekarno meminta bantuan AS agar Belanda melepaskan Papua dan akan menggunakan peralatan militer Uni Soviet jika Belanda menolak. Amerika Serikat membantu dengan imbalan gunung emas.

Presiden Indonesia itu meminta Khruschev menemukan makam perawi hadis terkemuka, Imam Bukhari, sebagai syarat berkunjung ke Moskow. Jakarta juga mendapat peralatan modern saat itu.

AYO BACA: Nekat Resepsi Nikah di Tengah Corona Akan Dipenjara 1 Tahun?

AYO BACA: 5 Langkah Mencegah Virus Corona di Rumah

AYO BACA:  Apa yang Harus Disiapkan di Rumah Kalau Lockdown?

Jadi Indonesia sejatinya adalah negara Non Blok. Para pemimpin dan rakyat negara-negara Afrika sampai sekarang, masih mengenang dukungan Indonesia terhadap gerakan-gerakan kemerdekaan negara mereka. Mereka menyebut, Dasa Sila Bandung yang dihasilkan dalam KTT Asia-Afrika di Bandung pada 18 -24 April 1955 sebagai sumber inspirasi dan kekuatan.


Belakangan ini, Indonesia sulit berlayar di antara dua karang. Kebebasan bersikap terhambat karena tidak didukung kemandirian ekonomi. Terlalu banyak meminjam kepada negara-negara Barat melalui IGGI dan CGI atau antarpemerintah.

Indonesia telah masuk ke dalam perangkap utang yang berdampak pada keterbatasan pengambilan keputusan. Bagaimanapun juga para kreditor, Bank Dunia, IMF, lembaga internasional lain berkehendak agar kebijaksanaannya selaras dengan kemampuan membayar pinjaman.

Ironisnya 80% pinjaman pembiayaan proyek kembali ke negara kreditor, misalnya dalam bentuk pembiayaan konsultan, pembelian barang dan sebagainya.

AYO BACA: Padanan Kata Lockdown, Corona, dan Social Distancing dalam Bahasa Indonesia

AYO BACA: 7 Situs Resmi untuk Pantau Perkembangan Virus Corona di Indonesia

AYO BACA: 5 Cara Mencegah Virus Corona Covid-19 Jika Terpaksa Keluar Rumah

Dampak jebakan utang itu merambat kepada aspek peralatan militer. Siapa menyangkal Indonesia telah ditekan agar membatalkan pembelian sebelas Su-35 dari Rusia?

Dalam perdagangan internasional, Indonesia mau tidak mau suka tidak suka harus mengikuti kebijaksanaan Barat. Menerapkan perdagangan bebas dan memberi akses luas kepada investor asing. Bila defisit perdagangan dijadikan patokan, Indonesia lagi-lagi dijebak.

Kurang Cermat?

Tanpa diduga Cina berhasil mengatasi wabah Covid-19 meskipun di sana tercatat sedikitnya 81.285 kasus. Lebih dari 3.200 orang tewas dan sebelas ribu lebih dalam perawatan. Keberhasilan ini memungkinkan China mengirim bantuan ahli maupun peralatan kesehatan ke  Italia, Iran, Yunani, Prancis, Spanyol,  bahkan menjanjikan dukungan serupa kepada sFilipina dan lainnya.

Masalahnya, mengapa belum terdengar Beijing akan memberi dukungan kepada Indonesia? Apakah kelambatan ini ada hubungannya dengan penutupan penerbangan Indonesia-Cina, serta penghentian ekspor-impor? Apakah terkait penghentian sementara pemberian visa on arrival dan visa kunjungan warganegara Cina ke Indonesia?

AYO BACA: Bagaimana Corona Covid-19 Menyebar, Benarkah Melalui Jaringan 5G?

AYO BACA: Lebih Baik Mana, Cuci Tangan dengan Air atau Hand Sanitizer?

Hanya sehari setelah pernyataan pemerintah Duta Besar China Xiao Qian pada 5 Februari 2020 memperingatkan Indonesia yang ingin membatasi kegiatan ekspor dan impor imbas penyebaran virus corona. "Tindakan itu akan merugikan hubungan perdagangan dan pariwisata  dua negara. Memberi dampak negatif terhadap kerja sama yang ada.”

Dubes Cina untuk Indonesia itu sengaja mengadakan konferensi pers di Kedutaan Besar Cina, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan. "Indonesia-Tiongkok adalah tetangga yang baik. Kami berharap pihak Indonesia bisa memandang wabah ini dan tindakan pencegahan penanggulangan Tiongkok secara rasional dan ilmiah."

Cina adalah mitra dagang terbesar kedua Indonesia setelah Amerika Serikat. Pada 2019, nilai perdagangan Indonesia-China mencapai US$ 66,2 miliar. Investasinya per 2019 berjumlah US$ 2,3 miliar atau 16% dari total Penanaman Modal Asing. Pada tahun yang sama,  sejumlah 1,77 juta wisatawan Cina berkunjung ke berbagai kota di Indonesia.

Kini, hubungan Indonesia-Cina seperti mendapati kerikil dalam sepatu. Barangkali gara-gara kurang koordinasi antar kementerian. Padahal Presiden Sukarno sudah memberi contoh, bagaimana bermanuver di antara dua karang.


Sjafruddin Hamid, Lulusan Jurusan Hubungan Internasional, FISIP-UI. Pernah bekerja pada beberapa surat kabar nasional.

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April 01, 2020 at 09:37AM

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‘For Life’ Premiere Demo Rating More Than Triples In Live+35 Multiplatform Play - Deadline

Following a modest linear Live+Same Day debut, ABC’s new midseason legal drama For Life is showing some strong digital legs.

After 35 days of delayed viewing on linear and digital platforms, the series debut of For Life grew to 8.6 million total viewers and a 2.53 rating among Adults 18-49. That is an increase of +5.4 million total viewers and by +242% among Adults 18-49 from Live+Same Day to Multiplatform+35 Day.

Without multi-platform play factored in, For Life‘s 18-49 rating rose by +100% from its Live+Same Day to s Live+35 Day, the biggest playback increase for any new broadcast midseason debut — scripted or unscripted — this season.

For Life executive producer Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson is a special guest star in tonight’s episode, “Do Us Part,” in which Aaron (Nicholas Pinnoc) struggles to balance the demands of his own case with the needs of an inmate who’s fighting for the right to marry his dying girlfriend.

50 Cent, Nicholas Pinnock, fellow star Joy Bryant and series creator Hank Steinberg will be going live on Instagram during the episode’s East Coast airing tonight. They will go live at 6:45 PM PT/9:45 PM ET on 50’s Instagram account, @50cent.

The drama, a co-production from Sony Pictures Television and ABC Studios, stars Nicholas Pinnock as Aaron Wallace, Indira Varma as Safiya Masry, Joy Bryant as Marie Wallace, Mary Stuart Masterson as Anya Harrison, Boris McGiver as DA Maskins, Glenn Fleshler as Frank Foster, Dorian Missick as Jamal Bishop, Tyla Harris as Jasmine Wallace and Timothy Busfield as Henry Roswell.

For Life is executive produced by  Hank Steinberg and Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson via G-Unit Film & Television, Doug Robinson and Alison Greenspan of Doug Robinson Productions and Isaac Wright, Jr.

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April 01, 2020 at 07:10AM

‘For Life’ Premiere Demo Rating More Than Triples In Live+35 Multiplatform Play - Deadline
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Mortgage tech virtual demo day set for Friday - HousingWire

More than ever, lenders and others in the mortgage industry are looking for cutting-edge fintech to cultivate borrower relationships, streamline their processes and keep business flowing.

To help sharpen industry decision makers’ toolboxes, HousingWire will hold its first virtual demo day this Friday. The half-day afternoon format, which is free to attend, features platform demonstrations from 14 innovative tech companies. Attendees can tune in for the whole day or drop in on particular sessions.

The agenda is broken into five topics: borrower relationships and leads, loan origination process, processing and underwriting, eclose and fulfillment, and business intelligence and risk management.

Here’s an overview of each technology:

Borrower relationships and leads

Volly simplifies lending technology and marketing automation for banks and mortgage companies, including several of the top 20 lenders in the nation. Its streamlined point-of-sale product features a mobile app and integrated services.

Surefire by Top of Mind is a customer relationship management (CRM) and marketing automation platform that cultivates borrowers from prospects to lifetime customers.

Homebot, a 2019 HW Tech100 winner, delivers personalized, actionable intelligence throughout the entire homeownership lifecycle to every client and prospect, maximizing repeat and referral business. With an average 50% monthly engagement rate, Homebot ensures lenders and real estate professionals remain the trusted advisors to their databases.

Loan Origination Process

Ellie Mae is the leading loan origination platform provider for the residential mortgage industry. Through its Encompass Consumer Connect, lenders can create an online experience for borrowers to easily complete applications, securely upload documents and eSign, and order services. And its newest consumer engagement product, Velocify LeadManager Essentials, provides consistent, automated communication between a borrower and the loan officer.

Blend’s end-to-end digital mortgage platform merges financial data from trusted sources to streamline pre-approvals, disclosures, conditions and eClosings. Blend also is demonstrating its home equity platform, a mobile-first experience that accelerates the HELOC and HELOAN origination process, at a separate time on Friday.

Optimal Blue’s Marketplace Platform connects the industry’s largest network of originators, investors, and providers. More than $750 billion in transactions are processed across the platform each year, facilitating a broad set of secondary market interactions like pricing, locking, hedging and trading of mortgage loans. 

Process and Underwriting

Global DMS’ appraisal management software, called EVO, delivers a fully configurable workflow design of new fields, forms and reports without the need for custom development.

FirstClose, a 2020 HW Tech100 winner, provides property and borrower data intelligence and settlement services nationwide. Its web app and LOS plug-in are the industry’s first and only home equity and refi tool that covers application to servicing (credit score, valuation, title, tax, flood, closing and recording) on one platform.

FormFree‘s products AccountChek and Passport focus on automated asset verification. FormFree offers borrowers and lenders a paperless experience, reduces origination timelines by up to 20 days and delivers automated analysis and standardized delivery to lenders and investors using a secure ReIssueKey.

eClose and Fulfillment

DocMagic will demo AutoPrep, its new technology that leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to change standard documents into e-enabled documents in less than 10 seconds. AutoPrep scans and parses documents, locates all areas required for signature, then tags them for eClosing – all 100 percent paperless.

Snapdocs connects lenders, title companies and notary signing agents via its digital closing platform so each can efficiently manage their closings. Powering over 1 million closings annually, Snapdocs creates a single, scalable process for every closing, whether wet, hybrid, or fully eClose.

Business Intelligence and Risk Management

Indecomm provides automation, outsourcing, compliance, and learning to large and mid-sized lenders, servicers, and title companies. AuditGenius is Indecomm’s proprietary, web-based SaaS solution to simplify the loan audit process for effective and efficient mortgage risk management.

Richey May‘s RM Analyze is a business intelligence platform for mortgage lenders, connecting to LOS, CRM, HRIS, P&L systems and more for up-to-date reports and distribution.

Capacity is an AI-powered support automation platform that allows mortgage professionals to tap into key systems like Ellie Mae, Encompass, and AllRegs and provide real-time access throughout the entire loan life cycle. Capacity connects apps, mines documents, captures tacit knowledge, and automates processes — all through a mobile-friendly chat interface.

Register now for HousingWire’s Mortgage Tech Virtual Demo Day, running from noon to 5 p.m. EST on Friday, April 3.

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April 01, 2020 at 04:24AM

Mortgage tech virtual demo day set for Friday - HousingWire
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It's Demo Time in Reston - Virginia Connection Newspapers

An excavator takes down the old Reston Station 25, a Fairfax County Fire and Rescue building, making room for a new station on the same site.

An excavator takes down the old Reston Station 25, a Fairfax County Fire and Rescue building, making room for a new station on the same site. Photo by Mercia Hobson.

Five years after the $16,000,000 project was approved as part of the 2015 Public Safety Bond Referendum, the new Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Reston Station 25 is another step closer to being built on the same site. Demolition began Friday, March 20, according to Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department on its Facebook page.

The old 2 1/2-bay station is located in the Hunter Mill District of the County at 1820 Wiehle Ave in Reston. It lacked sufficient space for existing equipment, operational support functions, adequate female living space and a workout facility to maintain physical fitness according to Fairfax County's FY 2021 – FY 2025 Advertised Capital Improvement Plan. "Towed my share of fire apparatus out of Station 25," posted Lee Temple on the County's Fire and Rescue's Facebook. "Tight bays and aprons to maneuver out of," he said.

The larger replacement fire station is to be built on the same site and addresses anticipated increased demand for emergency medical, fire suppression, and all hazards services, according to Fairfax County's FY 2021 – FY 2025 Advertised Capital Improvement Plan. It is scheduled to be operational in early 2021.

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April 01, 2020 at 04:38AM

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The Bravely Default II Demo Is Weirdly Hard, So Here’s How To Survive - Kotaku

Illustration for article titled The iBravely Default II/i Demo Is Weirdly Hard, So Here’s How To Survive
Screenshot: Square Enix (Nintendo eShop)

Last week, during a surprise Nintendo Direct, Square Enix gifted the world with a demo for Bravely Default II. The demo offers a taste of everything series fans should expect: lovely sprites, marvelous hand-painted backgrounds, and a return to the ever-rewarding Brave/Default turn-based battle system. But it also brought something unexpected to the table: a serious challenge.

When you start up the demo, you’ll get a friendly warning. “The story is separate from the main game, and the battle difficulty is just a little bit higher,” reads a pop-up window. Suuure, you might think. You’d be wrong—and that hubris is sure to get your team wiped out by wolves. (Wolves! Like I said, this demo isn’t messing around.) Impatient players might play for nine minutes before understandably throwing in the towel. This is just a demo, after all. But with a few tricks and a dash of patience, it can start to feel as rewarding as a full game.


Give everyone the right jobs.

The Bravely Default II demo gives players access to five jobs: Freelancer, Monk, White Mage, Black Mage, and Vanguard. Square Enix must be a champion of the gig economy because each character can hold two jobs at once, one as a main and one as a sub. These two jobs are intertwined; you can use any unlocked skills from either job, but characters will take on the ability and stat boosts from the main job.

Seth and Adelle are well-suited for the two punchy jobs (Monk, Vanguard) while Elvis and Gloria are better tuned for the magical ones (White Mage, Black Mage). You’ll definitely want at least one person on Vanguard, since that job comes with a ludicrously high defense boost. Monks are great, too: they have high HP and physical attack, and they eventually get a few helpful debuff skills. Whoever you set up as a Vanguard should have Monk as a sub-job to start off (and vice versa).

There’s merit in setting up both of your spellcasters as White Mages. In Bravely Default II, MP dwindles faster than a case of White Claws in a socially distanced apartment. But White Mages come with an ability called Kinetic Energy, which returns 10 percent of any physical attack damage dealt as MP. So if you’re tight for MP, you can load up four attacks in a row and restore a significant chunk. You could also cast a few powerful spells and round out your turn with a physical attack or two, essentially recouping any MP you spend in that turn.


You needn’t worry about making anyone a Freelancer in the demo.

Grind like it’s 1999 and you’re Tony Hawk.

Grinding is essential for leveling up your characters, of course, but it’s more important for leveling up their individual jobs. Winning a battle begets both experience points and job points. Experience points do what experience points always do: increase a character’s HP and other stats. Job points, on the other hand, unlock a character’s abilities in a particular job. There are seven levels, each of which grants access to a new active or passive skill. Before you try to tackle the main quest of the demo, level up each of your character’s sub-jobs. That way, you can switch to the main job and still have access to all of a sub-job’s skills. (Exhibit A: A White Mage rocking a fully leveled-up Black Mage sub-job can still use Blizzara, a powerful ice spell.)


It’ll take a bit to grind those sub jobs up to the levels you want, but grinding in the Bravely Default II demo is more engaging than your standard RPG grind. Even with leveled-up characters, one wrong move can lead to your entire team getting wiped, meaning you have to stay engaged. Plus, the battle music—and there’s no room for discussion on this matter—is objectively the best battle music in history. It’s so good you’ll want to get into battles just to hear that hook.

Anyway, if you can’t stomach a little grinding, why are you playing a Square Enix role-playing game in the first place?


You can still speed up battles.

This might seem like a no-brainer, but it took me roughly 42,861 battles to figure it out, so I thought I’d share. You can speed up battles by pressing right on the D-pad, which makes the grinding process way less of a grind. Press right once to double the speed or twice to quadruple it. There’s sadly no option for triple speed, which would’ve been the ideal battle speed (if you’re asking for feedback, Square Enix).


Save your items.

Between battles, don’t waste potions on replenishing your HP or ethers on your MP. The inn costs 100 pg per night, and it’ll fully restore your team. You’ll earn at least half that much from each battle. So if you wait at least two battles to run back to the inn, it’s like you’re not even spending any money. (That’s how financial literacy works, right?) Trust me: You’ll want to save those items for the demo’s dungeon, the Sandswept Ruins. You won’t be able to save on the fly in there, so getting wiped can be a real time-waster. Plus, a trip to the inn and back takes all of 37 seconds.


Trust in Brave.

The demo does a fine job outlining the Brave/Default battle system, but it neglects to tell you that you can probably wipe the floor with most of the starter baddies. At the start of each battle, Brave as much as possible, then load up four attacks in a row. Be mindful, though: If you don’t take out enemies in that one turn, you’ll leave yourself wide open for three turns of attacks from your foes. That’s why, at first, the process works best against puny little goblins. Once you level up a few times, you’ll be able to do the same to orcs and—get this—even wolves.


Don’t miss the shop.

It can be easy to stroll right past the shop in Savalon, especially if you’re playing with your Switch on handheld mode. Don’t miss it. As you’re heading out of town, you’ll find it on the southeast road before the exit. There, you can stock up on essentials, like Phoenix Downs or Hi-Potions, but you can also nab some gear that’ll give you a serious edge in battles. Get Wizard Rods for Elvis and Gloria, give Adelle and Seth some sharp weaponry (an axe for your Vanguard and a dagger for your Monk until they get Bare-Knuckle Brawler), and grab better armor for everyone. I forced everyone to wear a Caravan Coat. The Vanguard job allows you to pile on way heavier armor, too. The stat changes may look small on paper, but they pay huge dividends.


There’s a bonus sixth job.

Seth rocking the Thief uniform.
Seth rocking the Thief uniform.
Screenshot: Square Enix (Nintendo eShop)

After you beat Master Thief Bernard—the Dwayne Johnson-sized boss of the Sandswept Ruins—you’ll unlock the Thief job. The job comes with a good ability: Steal Breath, which heals HP equivalent to damage inflicted. What’s more, unlocking Thief opens up two more sidequests to test it out with. The credits may have rolled, but you can just go back into the game and head to Savalon. There, you’ll be able to pick them up. (Bonus: You’ll even get the chance to take on an optional boss!)

You can change your default movement speed.

Under the game’s settings, you can switch the default movement speed from “walk” to “run.” This might seem like a matter of preference, and for the most part, yeah, fine, it is. But switching to run also offers the tiniest of gameplay advantages. If you approach an enemy from behind and press A, you’ll start the battle with an extra Battle Point. Running allows you to quickly close distances on unsuspecting enemies.


Sure, when you’re set to walk, you can just hold the B button to run. But switching the default speed to run means you don’t have to remember to do so. And there’s enough minutiae to remember about this demo.

Put the battle music on repeat.

This is less of a tip and more of a challenge for Square Enix: Put this soundtrack on Spotify, please!


More Brave-Brave-Brave-Brave:


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April 01, 2020 at 02:37AM

The Bravely Default II Demo Is Weirdly Hard, So Here’s How To Survive - Kotaku
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Urusan Kemanusiaan, GPS : Ini bukan urusan cari Panggung atau Politik -

Gede Pasek Suardika
Gede Pasek Suardika

DENPASAR, -Sejak mencuatnya wabah Covid-19 di Indonesia, khususnya Bali, politisi Gede Pasek Suardika (GPS) gencar melontarkan masukan dan kritik kepada pemerintah tentang penanggulangan wabah Covid-19 di akun media sosialnya berupa Facebook miliknya @Gede Pasek Suardika.

Tak bisa dihindari, sederet postingannya menuai komentar dan reaksi netizen, pejabat daerah serta berbagai tokoh masyarakat di Bali. Pro-kontra selalu menghiasi kolom komentar akun facebooknya. Orang yang kontra dengan dirinya, menuding dirinya hanya mencari panggung di tengah wabah Covid-19.

Namun ia membantah dengan tegas. Pasalnya, kata GPS, Covid-19 yang melanda dunia adalah urusan kemanusiaan sehingga menjadi tanggungjawab semua pihak untuk melakukan upaya penyelamatan serius agar semua tidak menjadi korban.

“Ayoo move on. Ini bukan urusan cari panggung atau politik. Ini urusan penyelamatan kemanusiaan. Kita semua bisa jadi korban. Jangan hanya melayani yang cari muka saja dan menuduh yang mengkritik cari panggung. Maaf, saya belum pernah mendengar pimpinan turun langsung ke pasar tradisional, pelabuhan dan tempat umum lain sejak pasien positif korona menjadi 19 orang,” sindir Sekjen Partai Hanura ini, dalam keterangannya, Selasa (31/3).

Menurutnya, pandangan dan kritik yang dilontarkannya, terkadang cukup keras itu, jauh lebih penting daripada pembiaran apalagi hanya pujian.

Kritikan dan saran sangat terukur, kritikan itu harus dilakukan karena ini urusan kemanusiaan. Salah kelola bisa menjadi tragedi kemanusiaan. Kita tidak ingin seperti Italia akibat tidak jelas di awal, akhirnya tragedi di ujungnya. Korbannya kita semua,” katanya mengingatkan.

Jadi, jangan malah alergi kritik, seharusnya jengah dan bisa berindak lebih cekatan. Bali itu pulau lebih mudah dibandingkan daerah lain mengingat jumlah penduduknya lebih sedikit.

Pasek berharap para pimpinan daerah turun melihat rumah sakit, pasar tradisional, pelabuhan dan lainnya, guna mengecek bagaimana kondisi sebenarnya serta sejauh mana upaya pencegahan yang dilakukan aparat dan pihak terkait di tingkat bawah.

Masyarakat perlu energi psikologis untuk bangkit dengan kehadiran pemimpinnya di lapangan. Apa yang disampaikan itu, kata Pasek tidak ada urusan hubungan pribadi melainkan ini urusan kemanusiaan.

Dia mengaku sempat ditanya, bagaimana seorang Sekjen Parpol sampai mengambil urusan kecil kritik sampai urusan teknis lainnya.

“Saya katakan, urusan jabatan, urusan politik itu urusan nanti. Ini urusan kalau salah kelola, lambat ambil keputusan maka keluarga besar kita bisa jadi korban,” tukas mantan Ketua Komisi III DPR RI ini.

Dia mengaku harus meninggalkan posisi dan jabatan meski urusan rekomendasi Pilkada ada 187 yang harus dia urus.

“Ini panggung politik saya. Karena pengaruhnya nasional dan seluruh Indonesia. Itu semua Saya tinggalkan ke Bali dulu. Berjuang saja di Bali apa yang bisa bermanfaat untuk melawan ancaman Covid 19 ini,” seru mantan jurnalis ini.

Ia mengaku bersama jaringan yang dimiliki, sejak awal sudah melakukan penyemprotan desinfektan lanjut dengan bagi-bagi masker sebagai langka konkrit di masyarakat. (Bud/BPN/tim)

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March 31, 2020 at 09:07PM

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Here's how to unlock Underwater Demo Team Classic Ghost Bundle in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Dot Esports

Westfalia Technologies | Buffalo Trace Distillery Automated Warehouse Demo - DC Velocity

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Westfalia Technologies | Buffalo Trace Distillery Automated Warehouse Demo  DC Velocity

"Demo" - Google News
April 01, 2020 at 01:11AM

Westfalia Technologies | Buffalo Trace Distillery Automated Warehouse Demo - DC Velocity
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Jay-Z and The-Dream’s ‘Holy Grail’ Demo Sounds Better Than the Official Version - Rolling Stone

Man giving Herbalife demo to a dozen people busted for violating coronavirus lockdown, cops say -

A man giving an Herbalife demonstration to a dozen people in a Bridgeton business on Sunday night has been cited under the state order barring large gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic, police reported.

The disorderly conduct citation issued to Eduardo Montero, 32, of Bridgeton, came after he had received a warning days earlier.

Police first responded to his fitness and nutrition business on the 100 block of Irving Avenue on March 25 because people were working out in the gym area of the establishment in violation of Gov. Phil Murphy’s order closing several types of businesses, including gyms, casinos, shopping malls and movie theaters.

He was given a copy of the governor’s executive order, police said, which directs residents to stay at home, with limited exceptions for going to work or obtaining essential goods and services, and also prohibits any sort of social gatherings.

On Sunday night, officers returned to the business around 7:45 p.m. for a report of an illegal gathering and found Montero in a back room giving an Herbalife nutrition and dietary products demonstration to around 12 people. He told police he was just wrapping up.

Montero was issued a summons and the group was told to leave.

Bridgeton Police Chief Mike Gaimari said this was the third gathering his officers have broken up in the last few weeks.

Early on, officers were warning violators about the governor’s directives during the education phase of the process, but have now shifted toward issuing citations. “Now it’s pretty widely known,” Gaimari said.

Statewide, police have reported busting several parties in the last week, including an apartment gathering of 47 people in Ewing on Friday.

A Lakewood couple was charged with five counts of child endangerment Sunday after they hosted a party with 40 to 50 people outside in front of their home.

The strict measures are part of the effort to slow the spread of COVID-19, which has killed 267 in New Jersey and more than 40,000 worldwide.

Towns along the Jersey Shore have also started closing boardwalks, which have become gathering spots as the weather has warmed.

Tell us your coronavirus stories, whether it’s a news tip, a topic you want us to cover, or a personal story you want to share. If you would like updates on New Jersey-specific coronavirus news, subscribe to our Coronavirus in N.J. newsletter.

Matt Gray may be reached at Follow him on Twitter @MattGraySJT. Find on Facebook.

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April 01, 2020 at 01:18AM

Man giving Herbalife demo to a dozen people busted for violating coronavirus lockdown, cops say -
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Jay Z shares unreleased 'Holy Grail' demo featuring The-Dream - NME Live

Jay-Z has shared a previously unreleased demo version of his track ‘Holy Grail’, days after it was previewed in a Battle of Songwriters.

The song featured on his 12th studio album ‘Magna Carta Holy Grail’, which was released in 2013.

That version of the track featured a guest vocal from Justin Timberlake, however the demo sees The-Dream taking on his lines. It was released on TIDAL after The-Dream took part in an Instagram Live songwriters’ battle with Sean Garrett.


“I wasn’t tight – much respect to @jtimberlake,” The-Dream was quoted as saying on TIDAL’s Twitter page. “ wasn’t tight at all. However, I did feel that from the pain and what it meant for me.. to voice that and to sing that.. it just meant something.”

The-Dream previously shared a clip of the demo during the songwriters’ battle, telling viewers: “Jay’s probably gonna kill me for playing this.”

Meanwhile, Jay-Z featured on Jay Electronica’s long-awaited debut album ‘A Written Testimony’, which was released earlier this month (March 13). Guesting on the track ‘Flux Capacitator’, he denied “selling out” with his recent NFL collaboration.

The rapper and his company Roc Nation partnered with the National Football League last year as part of a new Music and Social Justice Deal, serving as the league’s “live music entertainment “strategists”.


When the deal was announced in August 2019, Colin Kaepernick’s lawyer called Jay-Z “cold-blooded”. Claiming that the deal has now put Jay-Z at odds with supporters of Kaepernick – who was exiled from the league after taking a knee during the National Anthem to protest racial inequality and police brutality in the US – lawyer Mark Geragos said: “This deal between JAY-Z and the NFL crosses the intellectual picket line.”


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March 31, 2020 at 10:43PM

Jay Z shares unreleased 'Holy Grail' demo featuring The-Dream - NME Live
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Watch: Video Demo of Rebbe’s Seder - COLlive - Chabad News

Cheder Menachem of Los Angeles teacher Rabbi Yossi Lipskier has created a series of videos demonstrating the way the Rebbe conducted the Pesach Seder, bringing the precious moments to life in a unique way. Full Story, Video

By COLlive reporter

Rabbi Yossi Lipskier, a 6th-grade teacher in Cheder Menachem of Los Angeles, California, has created a series of videos for his students, demonstrating the way the Rebbe conducted his Pesach Seder.

“For as long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by the Pesach Seder,” Rabbi Lipskier told COLlive.

“I especially loved to learn the details of how the Rebbe conducted his own Seder. As a child, I knew that my Zeidy had the Zchus of being present at the Rebbe’s Seder many times, and throughout my childhood I watched my father closely while he led our Sedarim at home, as he would copy many of the Rebbe’s behaviors on this most sacred night.”

Lipskier says that while he was in Yeshiva, he did lots of research on this topic, reading all the available material and watching many interviews where elder Chassidim shared their own memories of being at the Rebbe’s Seder.

“Studying the Rebbe’s Hanhagos at the Seder greatly enhanced my own Seder experience. It also helped me bring to life the Rebbe’s teaching that every movement of a Tzaddik is a pearl to be appreciated and cherished,” he says.

This year, as the Cheder closed due to Corona virus and his classroom became virtual, Rabbi Lipskier decided to share this knowledge with my students through a series of videos.

“To the best of my ability, I visually demonstrated all that I had learned from Chassidim who saw the Rebbe’s Seder firsthand. Where possible, I included clips of the Chassidim themselves sharing their memories. It brings the lesson to life in a unique way.”

“Today, I’d like to share these videos with all of Anash. We treasure everything we know about the Rebbe’s Hanhaga in every area of day to day life. The Seder is obviously no different,” Lipskier says.

Note: Not everything portrayed in these videos happened this way exactly every year at the Rebbe’s Seder. If anyone has varying memories of certain Hanhagos, please send them via WhatsApp to +18189058839 Or email [email protected]

The Rebbe’s Seder #1 – Introduction

The Rebbe’s Seder #2 – Preparations

The Rebbe’s Seder #3 – The Kaarah

The Rebbe’s Seder #4 – Kadeish, Urchatz, Karpas

The Rebbe’s Seder #5 – Yachatz, Maggid (Part 1)

The Rebbe’s Seder #6 – Maggid (Part 2)

The Rebbe’s Seder #7 – Rachtza, Motzi, Matzah, Maror, Korech

The Rebbe’s Seder #8 – Shulchan Orech, Tzafun, Beirach

The Rebbe’s Seder #9 – Shfoch Chamas’cha, Hallel, Nirtza, Farbrengen

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March 31, 2020 at 10:35PM

Watch: Video Demo of Rebbe’s Seder - COLlive - Chabad News
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SpaceX’s first operational crew mission adds additional NASA and JAXA astronauts - TechCrunch

SpaceX is readying for its first flight with astronauts on board – Demo-2, which is technically the last demonstration mission that is required before the Crew Dragon capsule is officially certified to start flying regular missions. Demo-2’s mission scope has been adjusted somewhat so that astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley will be actually doing some shift work on the International Space Station, but Crew-1 is the official first operational mission of the SpaceX human-rated spacecraft, and now we know a few more details about who that will carry.

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has announced that JAXA astronaut Noguchi Soichi will be on the first Crew Dragon mission once it officially is declared operational, and the agency said on Tuesday that Noguchi has begun training for his trip to the ISS. Noguchi has been to the ISS twice previously on other missions, including between 2009 and 2010 on via a Russian Soyuz launch, and during 2005 when he actually flew aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery in order to help assemble part of the station.

SpaceX and NASA are currently readying for Demo-1, which as mentioned will be crewed by two NASA astronauts. That should take place sometime in mid to late May if the schedule holds to current timing plans. Once that’s complete, Crew-1, which is intended to have a complement of four people on board, should begin sometime in the later half of 2020.

Crew-1 will include NASA astronauts Mike Hopkins and Victor Glover, as well as newly announced addition Shannon Walker, who was announced as a new member on the team on Tuesday by NASA.

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March 31, 2020 at 07:57PM

SpaceX’s first operational crew mission adds additional NASA and JAXA astronauts - TechCrunch
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Sign Up for Blackbird's Spring Demo Day on April 2 - Sports Video Group

While everyone is working from home, Blackbird is offering a Spring Demo Day on Thursday, April 2.

Email to schedule a demo.

Blackbird will show you how your video production team can:

  • edit frame-accurately from anywhere in the cloud – even on low bandwidth
  • remotely and collaboratively produce great video content
  • benefit from the only professional video editor in a browser
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  • publish video content in seconds – to everywhere
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  • integrate Blackbird with existing infrastructure

Blackbird is already driving awareness, reach and monetization for brands in the sports, news, entertainment and enterprise sectors.
Unique and transformative, Blackbird is proven with blue chip customers such as IMG, A+E Networks, Deltatre, Peloton, US Department of State, Eleven Sports and many others.

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March 31, 2020 at 08:32PM

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Pengamat Puji Menteri yang Berani Pasang Badan | Politik - Gatra

Jakarta, Politik sekaligus Direktur Eksekutif Voxpol Center Research and Consulting Pangi Syarwi Chaniago memuji menteri-menteri yang berani tampil di depan publik saat situasi sulit. Terlebih dalam kondisi lingkungan, sosial, dan ekonomi yang serba sulit karena pandemik Corona, tampilnya menteri di hadapan publik adalah hal yang sangat penting.

Di saat seperti ini Presiden Jokowi, kata Pangi, butuh menteri yang loyal dan bisa menjadi media untuk mengkomunikasikan langkah pemerintah. Secara khusus Pangi memuji Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir yang dinilai berani pasang badan untuk Presiden di tengah situasi yang serba sulit seperti saat ini.

"Di sini akan terlihat nama menteri yang loyal. Menteri yang berani tampil pada situasi sulit untuk membela kebijakan pemerintah. Saya lihat Erick Thohir berani melakukannya," kata Pangi, Selasa (31/3) melalui rilis yang diterima Gatra.

Menurut Pangi, kepiawaian komunikasi sangat diperlukan dalam kondisi seperti saat ini. Ini agar tidak ada mispersepsi yang muncul akibat kesalahan gaya komunikasi sang pejabat. Komunikasi juga sangat penting untuk bisa meenjembatani apa yang dilakukan pemerintah di lapangan agar diketahui rakyat.

Dalam hal ini, Pangi memuji kemampuan komunikasi Erick yang mampu meminimalisir persepsi negatif pada pemerintah. "Pak Erick menunjukkan kepiawaiannya dalam berkomunikasi. Karena saat ini yang dibutuhkan bukan sekadar menteri yang tampil tapi juga tidak membuat persepsi menjadi negatif," kata Pangi.

Keberanian menteri smemasang badan pada situasi sulit seperti saat ini juga akan membuat rakyat memberikan apresiasi. Karena itu Pangi tidak heran jika tingkat elektabilitas menteri seperti Erick Thohir atau Sri Mulyani tinggi di mata publik.

"Karena publik melihat menteri memang murni dari kinerjanya. Saat kinerjanya baik maka otomatis dengan sendirinya apresiasi akan muncul," kata Pangi.

Apresiasi yang diberikan analis Voxpol itu tak terlepas langkah cepat Erick bersama kementeriannya dalam menangani pandemi Corona. Erick dinilai tak hanya ikut berkontribusi dalam antisipasi pandemi Corona dari sisi kesehatan, melainkan juga berani mengambil kebijakan untuk menyelamatkan kondisi ekonomi dan moneter.

Salah satu langkahnya adalah dengan mendorong bank BUMN untuk memberikan relaksasi pada sektor bisnis yang terdampak. Tak hanya itu, di tengah situasi sulit ekonomi Kementerian BUMN juga tetap mampu menunaikan janjinya untuk membayar 15 ribu nasabah polis Jiwasraya. Langkah yang dinilai akan sangat berarti dalam mengembalikan kepercayaan kepada perekonomian, terutama dunia asuransi nasional.

Editor: Annisa Setya Hutami

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March 31, 2020 at 03:37PM

Pengamat Puji Menteri yang Berani Pasang Badan | Politik - Gatra
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Gubernur Bali: Jangan Jadikan Pandemi Korona sebagai Panggung Politik - Jawa Pos – Gubernur Bali Wayan Koster mengajak tokoh masyarakat, pengamat dan politisi untuk tidak mencari panggung politik dan hanya menyalahkan pemerintah di tengah kondisi pandemi korona (Covid-19).

“Jangan dalam situasi ini mencari panggung, mengambil kesempatan di tengah orang-orang lagi bekerja keras secara bersama-sama, secara bergotong-royong untuk menghadapi korona. Jangan malah ngomong seenaknya, menyerang-nyerang pemerintah, menyudutkan pemerintah, menyalahkan pemerintah, yang menurut saya sangat tidak arif dan tidak bijak,” kata Koster di Denpasar, seperti dilansir dari Antara.

Menurut Koster, dalam kondisi seperti ini seharusnya semua pihak melakukan sesuatu yang konkret dan membantu secara nyata yang bisa dilakukan, serta jangan mengeluarkan sesuatu yang tidak bermanfaat bahkan kontraproduktif.

“Covid-19 ini masalah besar yang kita hadapi, tidak saja tanggung jawab pemerintah, tetapi tanggung jawab bersama. Jangan malah cari panggung politik. Nanti dalam pilkada bulan September 2020 kalau jadi, atau Pemilu 2024 nanti keluarkankanlah jurusnya, saya hadapi. Saya sebagai gubernur dan ketua partai tentu akan menghadapi,” ucap pria yang juga Ketua DPD PDI Perjuangan Provinsi Bali itu.

Namun, ujar Koster, sekarang yang lebih penting itu harus dengan niat dan perilaku nyata dengan bergotong royong ikut menangani persoalan wabah korona.

“Jangan nyinyir, apalagi menyalahkan orang. Sementara yang menyalahkan dengan diam di tempat. Apalagi mengatakan pemerintah ‘gabeng’, gubernur kurang tegas dan kurang berani. Kalau melihat apa yang sudah saya lakuakan, kurang berani apalagi saya sebagai gubernur,” ucapnya.

Dia mengklaim bahwa Bali yang paling pertama telah membentuk Satgas Penanggulangan Covid-19, dan bahkan mendahului pemerinatah pusat. Demikian juga untuk penentuan Siaga Darurat, juga Provinsi Bali yang paling pertama dibandingkan daerah lain di Tanah Air.

Koster mengatakan terkait sejumlah masukan yang tertuju padanya mengenai upaya penanganan korona, diakuinya tidak semua bisa dijalankan karena tidak semua kewenangan ada pada gubernur.

“Jangan lupa kita adalah NKRI, saya ini gubernur, di atasnya ada Presiden. Ada kebijakan yang menjadi level Presiden, baru kemudian bisa dijalankan oleh kepala daerah di bawahnya,” ujar gubernur asal Desa Sembiran, Kabupaten Buleleng itu.

Koster mengajak bersatu padu dan bahu-membahu seluruh lembaga, baik itu pemerintah pusat, provinsi, kabupaten/kota, lembaga keagamaan dan majelis, dan tokoh masyarakat dalam menghadapi pandemi korona.

Di sisi lain, terkait jumlah kasus positif korona di Bali hingga saat ini ada 10 orang (5 WNA dan 5 WNI). Satu dari 10 kasus positif tersebut sudah sembuh dan dua WNA meninggal dunia.

Sedangkan mereka yang berstatus pasien dalam pengawasan (PDP) korona di Pulau Dewata hingga saat ini secara kumulatif berjumlah 141 orang. Dari hasil pemeriksaan sampel swab, sebanyak 90 orang hasilnya negatif dan 10 positif, serta 41 orang masih menjalani perawatan di RSUP Sanglah dan sejumlah RS daerah di kabupaten/kota di Bali. (*)

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[Updated] CMS Loosens Medicare Homebound Requirements, Suspends Review Choice Demo - Home Health Care News

Home health providers are receiving more temporary policy support in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

On Monday, the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced another round of COVID-19 regulatory waivers and new rules aimed at reinforcing the operations of Medicare-reimbursed providers. Among changes for home health agencies, in particular, CMS stated that it is loosening Medicare homebound requirements while also suspending the Review Choice Demonstration (RCD).

Home health advocates have been calling for both moves since the COVID-19 crisis elevated into a national emergency.


“Every day, heroic nurses, doctors and other health care workers are dedicating long hours to their patients,” CMS Administrator Seema Verma said in a statement. “This means sacrificing time with their families and risking their very lives to care for coronavirus patients. Front line health care providers need to be able to focus on patient care in the most flexible and innovative ways possible.”

Normally, patients are only eligible for home health services if they’re confined to the home due to illness or injury — or because leaving home requires “a considerable and taxing effort.”

In the context of COVID-19, home health providers feared that relatively rigid rule would leave some isolated individuals in danger.

CMS addressed that specific concern on Monday.

“If a physician determines that a Medicare beneficiary should not leave home because of a medical contraindication or due to suspected or confirmed COVID-19, and the beneficiary needs skilled services, he or she will be considered homebound and qualify for the Medicare Home Health Benefit,” CMS noted in its announcement. “As a result, the beneficiary can receive services at home.”

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When it comes to RCD, CMS is giving home health agencies the option of pausing their participation for the duration of the COVID-19 national emergency. Home Health agencies do not have to do anything for the pause to go into effect.

RCD states include Illinois, Ohio, Texas, North Carolina and Florida.

Apart from the RCD suspension and loosening of homebound requirements, CMS said it is further promoting telehealth in Medicare, an action Congress asked for in the recently enacted CARES Act.

Building on prior action to expand reimbursement for telehealth services to Medicare beneficiaries, CMS will now allow for more than 80 additional services to be furnished via telehealth, according to the agency.

Providers also can evaluate beneficiaries who have audio phones only.

“CMS is expanding access to telehealth services for people with Medicare,” the agency touted. “This means they can receive care where they are: at home or in a nursing or assisted living facility. If they have COVID-19, they can remain in isolation and prevent spread of the virus. If they aren’t infected, they can get care without risking exposure to others who may be ill.”

Home health care has largely been left out of CMS’s previous telehealth expansions, apart from flexibilities surrounding physician face-to-face requirements.

On Monday, CMS announced that home health agencies can provide “more services to beneficiaries using telehealth,” so long as it is part of the patient’s plan of care and does not replace needed in-person visits as ordered on the plan of care.

But it’s somewhat unclear what the phrasing truly means.

There still appears to be no mechanisms for home health providers to get paid for visits delivered via telehealth technology, multiple home health policy experts told Home Health Care News.

HHCN asked CMS for telehealth-reimbursement clarification during a Monday night conference call with members of the media.

“I think the key is services provided to the patient have to be according to the plan of care that’s been set up by the physician in ordering home health,” a CMS official told HHCN. “But the payment for the 30-day episode would include payment for the telehealth visits.”

In other good news for home health providers, CMS is also waiving requirements for a nurse to conduct an on-site visit every two weeks for home health and hospice.

“This would include waiving the requirements for a nurse or other professional to conduct an onsite visit every two weeks to evaluate if aides are providing care consistent with the care plan, as this may not be physically possible for a period of time,” CMS stated.

This is a developing story. Please check back later for updates.

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