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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Resident Evil Village demo walkthrough - every secret, weapon, goat and collectible - Gamesradar

With this Resident Evil Village demo walkthough guide you'll get the best out of the gameplay demo's time limit. There's a shotgun, secrets, ammo, goats and plenty more to find if you know where to look. A fairly normal playthrough can trigger the end in 25 minutes, and when you know what you're doing you can race though, skipping cutscenes, and clear it all in a little over three minutes. But, obviously, you want to see all and this Resident Evil Village demo walkthough will maximize your playthrough by saving you time looking for what to do next. 

Remember, you can skip all the cutscenes, so if you want as much time as possible hit the start button to skip all that chat.  

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough start

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough

(Image credit: Capcom)

The Resident Evil Village demo starts with a crazy lady scratching the Village symbol into the dirt - a embryo effigy surrounded by a nest and wings. She tells you that everything went bad when Mother Miranda brought Ethan's daughter to the village and then walks off to shut you in when the bell tolls, leaving you to explore. 

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough

(Image credit: Capcom)

Once she's gone you'll find a building almost immediately on your left you can enter where you'll find the embryo symbol on the floor, some Chem Fluid on a table surrounded by flowers and a Note that reads: 

O great lycans,
The fabled monster wolves of old.

May they come to eat out flesh.
My they come to tear us apear.

In a separate room there's a drawer with an 'an easy-to-pick lock'. So far no one's found a lock pick yet so don't lose any sleep over that. 

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough - Village area

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough

(Image credit: Capcom)

Come out of the building and head into the main area where you'll see a statue and a shrine lit up in the distance. Check the shield of the statue, the Maiden of War (a reference to the Maiden demo perhaps?), and you'll see a glowing light in the eye of the goat carving. Shoot it to dislodge a Crystal Fragment. These are valuables you can sell to the merchant character, the Duke, in the full game but at the moment you can't do anything with them. There's also some Gunpowder on a bench behind the statue you can grab, and if you head up from that point you'll see a Well you can examine but can't do anything with, and a tractor with some Rusted Scrap on the seat. You'll need two Gunpower and two Rusted Scrap to craft 15 Handgun Ammo so grab all you can as you go through the demo - the enemies you meet are absolute bullet sponges. 

resident evil village demo walkthough

(Image credit: Capcom)

Head up to the shrine and you'll be introduced to the Goats of Warding. These are basically bobble heads to collect. There are three so far - one in this shrine, one on the roof of the Church and one on the left most part of the wall later on when you reach the closed gate and meet some survivors. (I'll remind you about it when you get there.) 

resident evil village demo walkthough

(Image credit: Capcom)

In the Graveyard opposite the Shrine you'll find a small gated tomb with something inside. If you go into photo mode and zoom in with the brightness turned up you'll discover it's a gravestone fragment with 'Claudi' written on it but there's no way of reaching at the moment. There's also one gravestone to the right of the tomb you can read which says: 

June, 1909 -August, 1919
May you slumber for only a short while."

On another gravestone behind that you'll find a Herb you can pick up. 

From the graveyard if you turn back towards the direction of the Shrine you should be able to see the Church, to the left of that is the door to the castle that requires a Maiden and Demon Crest to be fitted in order to open, as well as road leading up. Head up the road quickly to find a Birdcage from a tree you can shoot down to get some Rusted Scrap.

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough

(Image credit: Capcom)

Head back to the Church (don't forget there's there's a Goat on the roof) and you'll find a the Maiden Crest on an alter inside that shows, from left to right Moreau, Dimitrescu Mother Miranda, Beneviento and Heisenberg. On the wall above the alter you'll see a glowing spot you can shoot to release a Crystal Fragment. To the right you'll also find a hand drawn map telling you that the Demon Crest is at Luiza'a House.

Head out the back of the church and you'll see stone pillars marking and entrance into the Field area where you'll meet your first three enemies.

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough

(Image credit: Capcom)

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough - Field and Lycans

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough

(Image credit: Capcom)

Before you head into the field area fully, check the building on your left where you'll find a M1897 Shotgun, some Handgun Ammo, Gunpowder and a Mine. You can barricade yourself in this building using the bookcase by the door but there's not much point with such a tight schedule. Instead, head out where there's some Gunpower directly opposite by a haystack and some Flour Bags. The Flour Bags can be used to stun enemies if you attack, with a knife or a gun, to release a cloud of flour. 

Another building just up from the Shotgun house on the same side contains some Shotgun Ammo and Rusted Scrap. There's also some more Rusted Scrap about halfway up the road on the right hand side by the fence near one of the tall stick totems. 

When you have all that, get ready to take on the Lycans or again, run up to the top and interact with the shut gate to trigger the next section. 

There are three Lycans in the field, a Birdcage with money in you can shoot down hanging from a tree in the center, and two Crates you can smash for Gunpowder and Handgun Ammo. You can just rush up to the top and  trigger an NPC interaction and the next section, but you might as well take on the Lycans, as they'll drop some Gunpowder, a Herb, and one will drop a Crystal Skull that, like the fragments, will eventually be sold to the Duke. While you can't do that here you can at least examine it and note that it has a crystal vampire fang. 

The best way to deal with the Lycans is to draw them out into the open on the road so you're not struggling to see them though the plants. You can use the Mine for one easy kill and draw also them towards Flour Sacks to stun them and make them easier to hit. Head shots obviously do the most damage but they're fast and dodge a lot so you want to minimize wasted ammo. 

When you'll killed them all, you can then get the third Goat. Head up to the top and work you way left, away from the shack. The Goat is on the far left point of the wall from the Shut gate. 

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough - the locked gate

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough

(Image credit: Capcom)

When you're looking around the gate at the top of the field you should hear a voice say 'Papa, there's someone out there' and the door on the shack to the right of the gate will open. Head into meet Elena and her father. Leonard. There'll be a short cutscene about trying to get past the locked gate and then you're free to head out out the window into the area behind the shack. 

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough

(Image credit: Capcom)

In this new area you'll find a well with another winch you can't use and Crate with some Handgun Ammo inside. Grab it and then turn around to see some blue tarpaulin on some boxes you can use to climb over a hole in the wall and get inside, grabbing the Gunpowder you on top as you go. 

On the other side of the wall check the outhouse on the right for some Chem Fluid and then head to the gate to unlock it. You'll see a Shrine with the Demon Crest inside but you can't open it yet so save your seconds.

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough

(Image credit: Capcom)

Once the gate is open There'll be some talking and eventually Elena will try the door and be greeted at gunpoint by the son of the house, Julian and eventually Luiza. You'll be led to a waiting room and be shut in for moment. There's a Note that reads: 


They broke in again, got more of the livestock.
I don't think we'll make it through winter at this rate.

Ernest is still missing, too. We can't find him anywhere. 

Has Mother Miranda abandoned us? 

There's also a photo album you can look at that seems to be filled with locations from the game. Head to the last page if you want to see places that aren't in the demo. 

When Luiza comes back you'll be take to a room full of survivors. You can skip this whole chunk if you want but the short version is: no one knows why the monsters are here, it all happened very quickly and everyone else is dead. Elena's father Leonard suddenly starts turning into a Lycan, starts a fire and kills everyone, with gameplay starting back up as you face him in a corridor. Don't waste any ammo on him though, as Elena turns up with a shotgun and takes him out for you. 

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough

(Image credit: Capcom)

When you've escaped Lycan Leonard you'll be a garage with Elena and a beat up pick up truck. Head into the next room where you'll find a Herb in the plant by the fireplace and a boarded up door you can examine to make Ethan suggest getting through it is the way out. 

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough

(Image credit: Capcom)

Head into the kitchen where you'll find some Money in a cupboard to the right of the sink, near a Note that reads: 

"Take the screwdriver out of the keyring if you need it."

The Keyring is then in the draw just to the left of the sink - examine it to find a clasp that opens it to reveal the Screwdriver. Carry on to the back of the room and you'll find some Shotgun Ammo. 

Head back to the truck and use it do smash through the wall until you get stuck. A whole big scene will then play out where you and Elena climb up into the roof. Her father will reappear and the two will die before you can save them. Skip it all if you want to save time and you'll be free to jump out the window. 

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough

(Image credit: Capcom)

When you drop down to the ground head to the Shrine and use the Screwdriver to open it and get the Demon Crest. 

Resident Evil Village demo walkthough

(Image credit: Capcom)

Once you've got it you can open the gate where you'll see Mother Miranda for the first time, killing Julian. You can't catch up or find her, she's gone as soon as you move, so don't waste any time trying. 

What you do at this point is up to you. You can head back to the Church, where you'll meet crazy lady again. She'll tell you everyone is dead, just in case you missed it. If you then head back to the Castle Gate and use the Maiden and Demon Crest you'll open the way through and end the demo with an unskippable trailer. Or you can spend whatever time you have left exploring the areas you've just been though. 

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"Demo" - Google News
April 18, 2021 at 10:20PM

Resident Evil Village demo walkthrough - every secret, weapon, goat and collectible - Gamesradar
"Demo" - Google News

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